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Welcome to HGA SHARPs

SHARPs stands for the School Help Advice Reporting Page System. This site provides you with advice and information about a range of issues relating to safeguarding, mental health, wellbeing and welfare. 

SHARPs also allows you to report any incidents or concerns you have about the wellbeing and safety of any students and families, in school or outside of school.

The Safeguarding Team will take every single report seriously and will work together with students, parents, staff and other professionals to support you and any other members of the school community.  Our main concern is YOUR SAFETY.

You can always speak to a member of the Safeguarding Team during school hours and by accessing the Listening Ear services during the school holidays. School staff are always available to help, support and listen to you.

For advice about safeguarding topics and issues, please do visit the information pages.  These pages will provide you with advice and links to specialist websites and services that can also help you.

If you would like to submit a confidential report - click the make a report link at the top of the page.

By using this service and the accessing the information on this site, you are helping to make our school a much safer place.  Thank you!

Ms Craggs -  Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and The Safeguarding Team